Which are you? Fixed or flexible mindset?


Hello friends. This is Mohanji.

Hope you’re doing well and hope you’re digesting the subjects that we had chosen in the last few podcasts and hope they are helpful to you. Today, I was thinking of taking up a subject which you can use as food for thought.

The subject is a mindset. Mindset is not an easy subject, because it’s not easy to put the mind structure into compartments. But it’s important because that is the advantage of understanding ourselves more so that we can remove all the clutter and we can bring clarity. This is the advantage. The more clarity we have, life will be cleaner; life will be better. Otherwise, confusions and clutter can take over.


So, what are the major mindsets that we see in this world? Let’s categorize them into two. One is a fixed mindset, and the other is a flexible mindset or a growth mindset.

The fixed mindset, they usually avoid challenges, they don’t like challenges. Then they hate changes, they like fixed routines. If any change happens, even if it’s a change in material like food on the table, they become unhappy, they become upset; their life pattern changes. So, they can’t leave patterns. They are very, very bound to patterns. They hate changes. They also think they can do very little to change the situation. Then, they do not like criticism, they don’t accept criticism. If somebody comes and tells them, “Look here, why don’t you make a difference in your life? Why don’t you try this? Why don’t you try something new?”, they can’t accept it. Because they are sure what they’re doing is the right thing. And they won’t look at a person or any friendship or any connection favourably if they are starting to interfere in their life. For example, if somebody tries to correct them or makes a change in their life for the better, even that will not be accepted because they don’t like an intervention. They want to stay in their own comfort zones, they are very, very afraid to leave that comfort zone, to leave their pattern. They only see obstacles. They see obstacles all the time because for them, “Oh, this is a problem, that’s a problem”; they always discuss problems. And they try to tell people that people are not right, the situation is not right, problems are happening, like that they will always think about problems. Then they also feel that putting efforts are useless because life happens anyway. Why do you put a lot of effort? This is a fixed mindset. A lot of people are like that in the world. They just live and die. Anonymous, we won’t even see them, because they have a fixed mindset, and they are kind of like how the animals live; the routine life. That’s it. If anything just happened in their life, they are upset. They don’t like changes.


Now we look at the flexible mindset. They welcome challenges. “Bring it on”, you know, that attitude. And they embrace changes. When changes happen, they just melt into the changes. Then they think everything is possible. There is nothing impossible in life, they think impossibility is an illusion, we can do it. If somebody can do it, we can do it. If there’s a thought, we can make it happen. If there is a firm wish or a desire, it can be accomplished. They treasure feedback and would learn eagerly; they like to have feedback. They ask, “What do you think about this?” or “Can we improve on it?” and they use everything, or every faculty, or every connection so that they can improve in some way. So, every day, they think about what else can we do? How we can improve this? How we can make the standards better? It’s not maintenance anymore. They are builders, they can build. They don’t worry about what’s already happened. But in their mind, they’re always thinking, “What else we can do, what else can happen?” So, they are always on a mode of improvement, or they try to upgrade everything. So, they like feedback, and they want to change things in a positive way. They love exploring new things and they look at results. Their focus is, “This is my aim, I want to reach there,” and they reach there. Obstacles on the way, it doesn’t matter. There will be obstacles, there will be detours in life. No problem. They keep moving. And every failure for them is a lesson.


So, this is approximately how a person with a flexible mindset thinks. It’s a good thought for us so that we understand where we stand, you know. So, there are a few things which we can check to see where we are in these two categories. Are we from the category of a fixed mindset, or are we from the category of a flexible mindset? So, a few things you can look at is; are we lazy? How do you measure that?

The time when you wake up, and the time when you get up. So when you wake up, if you’re lying in the bed thinking about “Oh my God! It’s morning again.” That’s a lazy attitude, means purpose is not very clear. There’s no clarity of purpose. This is one of the signs you can look at. That’s why we started the Early Birds Club with definite clarity. When you wake up, you are sharp, you have a fixed schedule so you can wake up and you can go through the process so that laziness, the tamas part can be slowly taken away. Please don’t underestimate tamas. Tamas is a very, very dangerous thing. It’s like cancer, we wouldn’t even know that it’s existing inside until and unless we become completely paralyzed. That’s why the Early Birds Club I’m stressing on and I’m telling people to try that because you know, that way you can change your mode from a lazy or a fixed mindset to a flexible mindset, and also attain a lot of success in life. Our aim is to create successful people; positive people. For positivity, you need to have a positive lifestyle.

So, are we lazy? Secondly, are we restless and distracted all the time? That means we do not have a stable mindset, stability is affected. If you are restless and if you are distracted all the time, the mind is like a monkey jumping from one branch to the other. We are disappointed with so many things; we are distracted in various ways. Then it is time we get to something which inspires us from within; concentrate on it. This is important.

So, what can we do about it? We can try to find something which is self-enhancing; self-rejuvenation, self-inspiration, this kind of thing, which would be a thing connected to your nature, and your own inherent constitution, how you are made. It is based on your inclination, your tendencies. That’s what’s suitable for you. Cultivate that thing, then you can improve on it, but it should be something positive. Not something negative, which is draining or which costs a lot of money or efforts and stuff like that. Whatever is natural will be effortless for you. So that’s the right thing to do. Usually, if you are preoccupied with unimportant things, for example, some people are just addicted to WhatsApp or Facebook; they waste the whole day like that. Some people are addicted to games on the computer. Some people have other material addictions and all kinds of things.

So, our waking hours, how best are we using? If we are preoccupied with the not so important things that detach us and deviates us from the actual purpose of life, then we must correct it. Because, what are you here for, what is your actual purpose? Let’s say, if your purpose is liberating yourself completely so that you are fine with life, you’re not in conflict with life, you’re very stable with life, you’re enjoying life, you’re accepting life, you’re respecting life, and then, respecting all the people connected to you. You’re not discriminating, you’re not criticizing, you’re not trying to push people away, you’re accepting everybody, you’re kind of walking with them and you’re in a mode of liberation. Let’s say, a mode of liberation means a lifestyle of liberation. In that case, don’t wander on insignificant things. We must understand that they are not helping us to progress.

But recreation is fine once in a while, we can watch a feature film, we can have a good dinner outside. I’m not saying that we avoid all our happiness, all our enjoyments. We should look at, are we spending a lot of time on unimportant things?


Another thing is, is our energy flow proper? How does energy flow become proper? First of all, if you indulge in positive things, positive thoughts, positive words, positive action, energy flow will be good. Secondly, if you are involved in activities which you love to do, energy flow will be good. But what you love to do should adhere to your goal of life. This is very important. What you love to do, should not be something which wastes your energy, like indulgences and addictions. Many people spend a lot of time on addictions, even though energy flow might be good, but it’s not positive.

Then another point is, your thought process, you have no control. Where are the thoughts coming from? Thoughts are coming from inherent inclinations, so be aware of that. And if you’re able to regulate and guide them to the goal all the time; or as we mentioned earlier, our goal is liberation. If our thoughts are all going towards that goal, you’re on the right track because you have set a goal, you’ve set your destination right. So, if you’re travelling in that mode, and your energy flow is in that mode, your thoughts are in that mode, you are absolutely on the right track. This is all you need to do.

Now, I would sum up so that it becomes food for thought. All these ingredients we have to cook together and make a nice, tasty curry. So, first of all, analyze, where you stand. Do you have a fixed mindset or a flexible mindset? Secondly, how do you know where you stand? We have explained, various options for it. We can explain more later but this I don’t want to elaborate too much. And thirdly, this understanding will help you to correct yourself to the right track.

So, there are more things, we will talk about next time. I leave you with this thought at this point in time. Let’s understand, and let’s assimilate, and let’s improve ourselves in the right way. I leave you with these thoughts. Be happy, and be bright, the world needs light.

Lots of love.


Transcribed by Ulla Bernholdt

Proofread by Rekha Murali

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The Power Within YOU…

My Beloveds,
               It has been sometimes since we spoke last. This mail is in reply to a gentleman’s question after my recent visit to Dubai. The question is related to tamas, residue of past actions and binding. In fact, they all are in a way interconnected.
                 Tamas or inertia is like the seasons. The seasons express themselves explicitly in time. Just like we name them as summer, winter, rainy season etc, our states or flavours are called Tamas, Rajas and Sattva. These are our operating levels.
                 A person operating on the tamasic plane will express inertia, lethargy etc. and will tend to blame others for his predicament. He will often blame the situation for his inaction. He suffers due to delays and lack of conviction in action. A rajasic person may perform an action quickly and is definitely superior to the lethargic individual in state, but his action could also be based on emotion or ego. A sattvic person usually performs from intellect and will stay beyond all excesses. His operating level will be increasingly based on purity. A person based in the state beyond the waking, dream and deep sleep, the fourth state or turya state, will operate on the plane of perpetual silence which is beyond compulsive thoughts, words and action. In other words, his operating level will be that of dharma or pure duty which is beyond selfishness and expectation.
               Every person has a variety of expressions. One fundamentally expresses his inherent constitution at all times. This could be tamasic, rajasic or sattvic. Each thought, word and action – if it is combined with emotion, will leave a residue within your system. We are entering and storing such data into our subconscious or our personal hard-drive at every moment of our waking state. Sometimes we store data consciously, but often unconsciously. The deeper or grosser the residue, the deeper will be its impression in his character. This could also be an external impression such as a feature film that influenced him, or a tragedy that he watched on television, or even a strong opinion about a person or an incident elsewhere, can stay as a silent residue within. Likewise, if traumas of any kind have happened and their residue stays hidden in the folds of his character, blockages in energy flow happen because of them. Clutter of residue leads to blockages. The blockages will produce mental and physical inconveniences, phobias, fears and sickness.
                 So, as much as we accumulate residue, that much we should clean ourselves too. Like I said earlier, forgiving and repenting does help. This is the basis of our Power of Purity meditation. Unhooking from the past events is very important. A bad experience of the past could sting us time and again. It should be replaced with higher awareness and higher purpose of life. Otherwise, the same event will come back again and again in life.
                Residue of past lives is existing in every being. That is the basis of our unique constitution. This is more or less unchangeable unless a conscious effort is taken to understand oneself and shed it from the root. Fears created out of this residue can produce such realities in life, which re-confirm the inherent fears. It will bring situations and reasons to enjoy the state of fear. Love is the same. Hatred and enmity brings forth such realities. Sometimes people become possessive and cruel too, because of their inherent insecurities. These are the external expressions or in other words, gross manifestation of the inherent residue.
                 When residue leaves, lightness happens, clarity and flexibility happen, and finally, enlightenment happens. Those who lead a confused existence accumulate residue much more than the ones who have clarity in action. Those who are emotional by nature also accumulate much residue. Those who crave for sympathy or applause, those who constantly blame the situation or other people for their seeming failures in carrying out responsibilities, those who constantly blame injustice in society without doing anything about it – all are filling themselves up with deep residue at each moment.
                 Where does the residue stay? Mostly in the lower region of our body – the lower part of the ‘shivling’. Shivling means our body minus the legs, hands, neck and head. When energy moves through the body, vertically and horizontally, in alternate waves, the residue of thoughts, words and actions combined with emotions is dropped to the bottom. It gets accumulated or stuck at various locations of our system, of which the tangible gross is our body and intangible are the subtle meridians. It accumulates mostly around the Root and the Swadhishtana chakras and they in turn get clogged over a period of time. This prevents the kundalini from moving anywhere. This is also why it is said that pushing the kundalini forcefully through mantras and practices could lead to lifetimes of agony. Removal of residue will automatically clear the path and will allow the kundalini to rise to where it belongs or where it came from, effortlessly and without any artificial stimulus.
                  The clogging at the lower part of our system stays if conscious unhooking does not take place. Forgiveness, repentance, feeding the poor, sharing wealth with the needy and under-privileged, spontaneous acts of kindness, and every aspect of truth and compassion reduce the residue. This is why such acts of kindness are highly recommended in most paths of the world. Bhakti Yoga and Karma Yoga are powerful tools that reduce the residue.
Mohanji in Dubai
                    What happens when residue leaves through sadhana or by the grace of the Master? Usually, all the hidden fears, anxieties and traumas will surface first. Sleeplessness, confusion and many such emotions can surface. Only a person strong enough to handle unknown fears and hidden traumas, can actually make use of sadhana or practice. Some tend to suppress the residue back into themselves out of overwhelming fear and confusion. Some prefer to change the guru!  🙂 It takes an expert guide to take you through this time. This is quite a vulnerable time and the practitioner should be extremely objective, patient and kind.
When we embrace silence through practicing witness-hood, the same happens. The first that come out from us are negative emotions such as fears and anxieties. We have to allow them to surface and go. We must sincerely let go. Many cannot. Some even cannot release their own illnesses. They hold on to everything and the whole exercise becomes futile. In some paths, there are practices such as talking nonsense to themselves, or shouting at the wall for minutes. This is to expel the hidden residue. But understand that Nature also has the same power to hold. There are scientific proofs that if you scold or show anger to water, it forms a different pattern within, than when you speak words of love to it. Nature holds residue of events. This is why accidents happen almost at the same place always. Accident-prone areas or death-prone areas tell this story. Just like we always attract similar realities. We are indeed a part of nature, or nature is integrated into us.
               Watch yourself, watch through emotions, use intellect more, try to bring up all the lower emotions through breath to the higher parts of the body. Remember yourself as a Shivling. Breathe from the back to the front and breathe from the front to the back, alternately, in a gap of five minutes. This could bring forth the hidden residue from lower to higher and release it from the system. When this movement becomes fine and smooth, perfect distribution of energy takes place. Equanimity and balance happen in life.
                I could go on and on. But the fundamental truth of accumulation and release always remains. What you earn should be spent. What stagnates, decays. And residue slows us down and prevents us from being fluid in life. It makes us stiff. The earth and water elements of our system such as Root and Swadhishtana suffer the most. Instability happens if earth is not stable. Contamination happens if water is unstable or stagnant. Do not worry too much about the fire, which is the stomach center. If the lower ones are contaminated, ‘black smoke’ of unburnt residue would contaminate the air and space, the higher chakras, and obscure the heavens which are Ajna and Sahasrara.
                 You are the world. You are the universe. So, a conscious practice in cleansing yourself is the most important thing in everyday spiritual practice. Likewise, if the guide is not confident, do not experiment. Leave kundalini alone. Instead, concentrate on the removal of residue. This is important. Make a conscious choice. Understand yourself and the reasons for your actions. Are you after spiritual elevation, or after sensation? Any practice can give you some sensation. Only shedding or emptying will give you spiritual elevation. You are like a balloon tied to a stone. When the stone is removed, the balloon will float up in the air. When we are heavy and caged, limitations are experienced. Unlimitedness means freedom. This is the aim of true spirituality. Rituals of unconscious nature or running after sensations cannot deliver that.
Do Gurus take on the residues of their disciples? It depends on the receptivity and surrender of the disciple. Yes. Some do. Not all do. Many do not even allow people to touch their feet because of this reason. True Gurus often take much blockage onto themselves. They relieve the devotee from pain by taking it on to their own bodies. Some even shed their body due to this. Remember, Shirdi Baba shed his body in lieu of the son of Baija Maa. A true guru always protects, ignoring himself, and unconditionally. Jesus only asked for faith from the people who needed his help. Babaji exists in multiple realms as a personification of unconditionality.
Hope the point is very clear. Bless you  with wisdom
Love you
  In the path of liberation, one has to stay with the truth or else, decay will happen.Decay of character leads to decay of conscience.
In the path of liberation, one has to stay with the truth or else, decay will happen. Decay of character leads to decay of conscience.


I received a beautiful message today which I instantly felt inclined to share with you. One old saint conveyed this message to me through a friend who visited him. The message is

“M, you know the truth and you are not afraid to tell it. This will make some people uncomfortable. Some egos will be hurt. Some may leave you. This is fine. This is their loss. But, tell the truth anyway because your path is that of purity. There cannot be any pretensions here.

This sums up my existence in a way. Many a time have I experienced alienation because I chose to stay with the truth and articulate it without dilution. In the path of liberation, one has to stay with the truth or else, decay will happen. Decay of character leads to decay of conscience. There is no harm in performing a difficult task (difficult for the mind and ego) for the general good of the people or the world. If the intentions are pure, even if alienation happens, one should go ahead. If intentions are of selfish nature, decay must happen.

The truth is often bitter. In today’s world, we prefer to hide our heads like ostriches, in the sand called internet, and pretend that we are fine in the virtual world. We post quotes of others and post pictures of ourselves and our families and indirectly tell the world, “I do not care about the world. Only me and my family exist” or “I am also as knowledgeable as you will accept one to be. I am not a lesser being”. Clear signs of insecurity, self-centeredness, ignorance, tamas! We choose to hide our own personal experiences, personal truths and conform ourselves to the socially accepted relative truths and make ourselves and others believe in our pretensions. This hinders our progress. We hate to accept bitter truths and we tend to remove true friends who articulate truth from our ‘friends’ list. When we cannot see reality, we blame others for our incapacity! We deny the miracles of our existence because of our incapacity to accept them. We even deny God at times, because we cannot comprehend God.  

When man becomes so secluded, the world which is like a mirror, ignores him and leaves him alone. When calamities happen in his household due to stagnation and isolation, or being in the self-created comfort zone of the artificial world for too long, or because of losing touch with reality, or even because of acquired decay and tamas, one witnesses himself in the depths  of despair and depression. One professional psychologist whom I met at the lounge in an airport told me, “Business is good, thanks to the internet. Disillusionment is very high. Youth have lost touch with reality and pretend that nothing exists beyond the virtual world. And when reality strikes hard and they cannot handle the truth, they come to me.” This sums up today’s life and lifestyle.

When calamities happen in his household due to stagnation and isolation, or being in the self-created comfort zone of the artificial world for too long, or because of losing in touch with reality or even because of acquired decay and tamas, one witnesses himself in the depth of despair and depression.
When calamities happen in his household due to stagnation and isolation, or being in the self-created comfort zone of the artificial world for too long, or because of losing touch with reality or even because of acquired decay and tamas, one witnesses himself in the depth of despair and depression.

There is no hope for salvation here. No salvation, because that is the reality that they chose to experience. They never listened to the cry of the world outside themselves. They never even listened to the cry of their own kin, because they were so overwhelmingly engrossed in virtual realities and pretend lifestyles. If you tell them the truth, they will destroy you, they will spit venom.

They never do anything to expand their consciousness, to evolve, or to touch the truth. They never do anything to embrace the world with selflessness, and unconditional love. Even if they do anything in the outside world, that would be because of their inherent insecurity and as an attempt to safeguard themselves from rainy days. They never realize that they have lost their sunshine long ago. They hate truth. Instead, they choose a shrunken world of expectations and pretensions. Life becomes perpetual agony. They become useless to the world.

I urge you to use this blessed life of yours to elevate yourself to the highest. Take care of your family, you must. But also take care of the world the way you can.

I wish you fulfillment. May your life be truly COMPLETE.

Love You


What Can I Do?


Dear All,

Before the meditation on last Thursday 7 April 2011, Mohanji looked completely different when he entered the meditation hall. He looked slim, young and fully charged. Usually, as he enters, he will do his prayers and will be in communion all the time. Then in a sharp glance, he will connect with all those who are present. On this Thursday, he did all that, but there was a different intensity and seriousness throughout these happenings. As Mohanji sat there, he did not give anyone a chance  to talk and delivered the following message in one go, with tremendous, exceptional energy, intensity, and deep concern.  While he was talking, I felt as if my Manipur and Swadhisthan chakras were going topsy-turvy. Every word was hitting hard. There was pin drop silence. The truth had a tremendous effect on us. He talked non-stop for thirty-five minutes. It only felt like five minutes had elapsed. When he finished talking, he asked for bananas to be brought to him, blessed them and asked for them to be distributed for all of us to eat. This was the first time I had seen him doing a Prasad distribution before the arathi and meditation. We were all quite surprised. A few commented that they felt as if the banana was settling things inside of them. He calmly said, “Yes, I gave it to let the message sink into you, to let it settle in you”.

The arati and meditation that followed were intense too. A strange thing happened. The food that was prepared on this particular Thursday, tasted different after meditation. The pineapple raita turned bitter, the rice and curry tasted spicier and the apples and sweets also did not taste fresh. It was as if along with we people, even the food had become gross! Everything, except the banana that had Mohanji blessed and given us, tasted gross!!!

Dear family members, I sincerely request you all to please read on, to absorb this message with the same intensity with which Mohanji delivered it, and to ponder over it.



Mohanji begins to speak. “There is another plane being developed to accommodate denser energies. Here on the earth however, the consciousness is falling more and more. Good people are getting sucked in. We should be extremely vigilant to stay in the white path (Path of Dharma). It is like a desperate attempt of dark to dominate. Very heavy. They will do all that is possible to keep us away from the source. All Masters are working hard to keep and maintain the good, to contain the bad. But usually what the mind fancies is the dark. What is not too palatable is the white. To stay in the path which is for elevation, we need to be extraordinarily careful. Mind will put forth all sorts of blockages. All sorts of different ideas and thoughts will be generated by mind. Oh! Why do we not just try this way or that way? No problem, experimentation is part of spirituality. Why do I not just experiment? But if experimentation is taking one step further deeper into the whirlpool, what is its use? You lose your soul.

Identifying  the path of great Masters is difficult. It is very easy to get out of the path. Do not consider this message as a threat. Consider this as a message to be vigilant. We should sharpen our faculties of discrimination. We should sharpen our senses. All sorts of objects, confusions and lures will be kept in front of you to suck you in. It will create conflict within people. It will also create conflict within you. It will create a lot of discomfort within you.  It will create inner conflict. It will say – Why are you bothered? Here is your comforter and pillow. Just relax. And then, you think that this is your path. But once you are sucked in, you cannot escape. This is a binding. It is just the opposite of our plan of liberation. Comfort zones are created to bind. Comfort zones are created to lure wandering souls into the path of captivity.

There are entities that thrive only on the consciousness of people. Consciousness is their food! Please be aware of that. All Masters are doing extraordinary, extra hours of tedious work to safeguard people. But Masters never impose, just as your soul never imposes anything on you. You choose it. Any true Master, or any path, is just like your soul, guiding you to your own soul. The negative path has an enormous variety of lures and attractions. It is a treacherous path. At one point, we may say and feel that we are fine and we will divert and choose the way which we feel is comfortable. Many of the new generation spiritual teachers who are using the white symbols are not from the path of liberation. They are using the symbols of the positive path to lure, attract and bind unsuspecting seekers into the ritualistic dark path. 

It depends how long you will prolong and keep patience and entertain tenacity to be in the positive path. You are sitting on a tree and the tree is being shaken constantly. If you have the tenacity to cling on to the tree you will survive. If not, at some point in time, you will get frustrated and you will drop your hands and leave the tree. You will fall. Then to climb up again will take time! Not just time or this life. It may take several lifetimes to reach where you were, or to climb again!  

You may ask then, what is the role of the True Masters? Why are they not protecting us? They are protecting. But if you choose another path, they will not object because it is your free will. Just like your soul never objected to whatever you wanted to do. It only helped you.  If you wanted to sit here today; soul aided you. Your mind decided to come here today. Soul never asked you to come here, but your mind decided to come. 

I would like you to take these words seriously. This is because times are moving faster. This is the time to hold on.  IF you hold on, you save yourself. Then you do not have to worry. You are firmly established in the path of liberation. You will not take many more bodies. You will be fine. If you fall, how many more lifetimes will you have to take? Difficult to say! It could be quite many!

I want you to chew on this message. How much our mind is making us crazy?  How many sensory or sensual lures are put forth every day? And we shift from one Master to another and the body and mind keeps moving achieving nothing!

Another important thing is TAMAS. Tamas is the sword of the dark. Tamas is the nectar or lure of the dark. Being Sattvic or even rajasic to some extent can lead to liberation. Tamas can only lead to  binding. Tamas is given to you and you enjoy it. Oh, I am fine today or I am lazy today. I may try tomorrow! Like that, Tamas works at every point. Laziness, inertia, greed, anxiety, fears, anger…. all of these vices are given by Tamas. Let me make money today, I will try to help somebody tomorrow. We will never think, let me share what I have today. We think, let me make one million. Once I have one million, then I will start charity. One million can never be enough however, because your lifestyle has changed. You need more to stay with the same lifestyle or improve on it. You will never be satisfied. If we have one million, we look forward to two million to be happy. This is how it goes all the time. Our mind will never be satisfied with any material. It will ask for more.

The most important message that I want you to be aware of is this –“The present time has two edges. It is like a sword which has two edges. If you hold on to the path of White (path of Dharma), then nothing can stop you. You are automatically lifted up. At the same time, if you fall from this path, you will take lifetimes to reach here. This shift in awareness and understanding is important. The awareness is provided to you in such a way that this awareness itself automatically takes you higher. Time is automatically taking you higher. All you have to do is JUST BE in the path of Dharma. Just keep inner purity and deep faith with zero expectation. Just be fluid and just flow with absolute spontaneity.

WATCH YOURSELF. Watch how your mind functions. Is it creating greed, anxiety, fear and doubts? If this is the case, ask mind again – Is that necessary or is this the real me? At the same, mind could be creating benevolence against all odds. For example, if I have one dollar to spare, let me share it with someone who does not have that. It is not that you don’t eat or enjoy the fruits of life. You do eat, but you also share. First feed your family. Safeguard yourself and then help others. This way you will exist in perpetual consciousness all the time. Otherwise you may say, let me make one million and then I will start charity. That one million will never be enough. One million should be 2, 3 and then 4. It goes on.

Similarly, we often ask the question – Why do I have to do this? Why can’t someone else do this? This is Tamas. Tamas is the weapon of darkness. Tamas is darkness. Tamas makes you tired, it gives you inertia. It tells you – It’s okay for today, let’s see tomorrow. Tamas leads you to the trap. Through inertia, one loses life. Once you marry darkness, you lose your life. You lose your soul. Existing in Tamas will make you lose soul. Greed happens. So many emotions happen.  This is the reality of existence and we should be clear about it.

I would like you to contemplate on it for the next 2-3 weeks. Watch your thoughts and watch yourself very closely. Introspect! What are my ingredients? What am I consisting of? What is making me work? What is the provocation behind every action or reaction? Is it selflessness or selfishness?

Existence itself is bliss. But it depends upon your mind. Whether mind will accept it or not? Mind may not accept. Otherwise every moment is bliss. If you are able to accept today, right now, without resistance, it is bliss. Accepting your reality in a different mode is not bliss. It is frustration.

Are you confused by what I am saying? If you live this truth, then it is bliss. I am seeing people getting sucked in. I encounter too many of them each day. When you get sucked in, there will be an inclination to come out of that. It is like quicksand or a whirlpool. You are working very hard to get out of the whirlpool, but the whirlpool itself sucks you in. It throws you into a zone where there is no map in your hand or compass for directions. You cannot find the way out. You may know the destination, but not the way. Then you may get stranded for lifetimes.

At present, if you commit a crime during Sattvic time (3 AM to 6 AM), it has much more impact than when you commit a crime during Rajasic or Tamasic time. This is because the whole atmosphere is in a prayerful subtlety. Morning from 3-6 am is a Sattvic time. Whatever you do at that time reverberates all over the universe in a much larger way with much deeper intensity. One will carry heaviness much more if a crime is committed at that time. I am not saying that committing crime at other times than Sattvic is better; but the impact is different. Non-violence is the path for spiritual elevation.

Please understand that this whole year, this period of time through the shift, is Sattvic. Predominantly Sattvic! I am not saying 100% Sattvic.  That is why those who have an inclination to evolve are coming together. They have been given the guidance. So, you have the choice. Nobody is forcing anything on you. You have the choice to stay in this path and move.

Introspection is extremely important to stay in the path. You have to keep watching yourself and your thoughts. Ask yourself – Am I getting more Tamasic?  There is only one medicine for being Tamasic; and that is to become Rajasic. Action beats Tamas. Get on and get moving. When Rajas becomes extreme, it shifts to Sattva by itself. This is a difference between Tamas and Rajas.  It takes effort to move from Tamas and go into Rajas. Keep moving, take actions! The transition from Rajas to Sattva, however, is beautiful and automatic. One cannot make efforts to become Sattvic. If you put in efforts, sometimes, you slip back into Tamas, because those efforts often carry expectations as well as the corresponding frustrations.

If you think – “I am not feeling good, let me sit and meditate”. This is procrastination. Meditation becomes escapism here. You need to address the issue that provokes tamas in you. Meditate because you love to meditate not because of any other reason. Please understand what I mean. At such times, the best way to beat Tamas is to be hyperactive. Extreme action leads to inaction in Sattvic mode. Sattvic mode in existence over a period of time may slip back to Tamas. A person works hard and comes to the shape of Sattva and then to the mode of Sattva. From here, you can slip back into Tamas. Again you need to rejuvenate into extreme action. When you feel INERTIA, think about this. Switch to extreme action. Change the gear and beat it! Swami Vivekananda said, “Go and play football”. He did not say, “Go and meditate”.  Tire yourself and then sleep. This sleep is not Tamasic sleep. Body is tired, you want to rest and this is ok! The other way round, when we are tired and lazy and do not want to get out of bed, it is tamas and definitely not good. Do you really understand what I am saying? This is very important and I want you to chew on this. Digest it as much as possible.

In reality, nobody needs a Guru. The guru principle itself will guide you. You do not need anyone to come and tell you to do it this way or that way! This is a fundamental truth of life and fundamental truth of existence. It is simple yet really effective.

When people say, “Let me meditate and I will talk to you later”. Is that meditation or you do not like some situations and you are escaping. I am not too “pro” visiting temples which are far away. But, if you take the trouble of visiting them, it is still better. This is because it is an action and not Tamas.  It takes great efforts to walk all the way to the shrine of Shabari Mala or Vaishno mata temple. What moves you? Bhakti or devotion moves you. Your inclination for that activity as well as surrender moves you. In this way, it is good since it is not Tamas. That is why temples are sometimes built far away and high up on hill tops and may not be easily accessible. You must shed your Tamas and take the trouble of reaching there. Then one reaches Sattva. You reach temple, you pray, you melt, you become one with God, you feel connected to God and you feel good. You can feel the inner vibrations are changing. Vibrations go from your third eye to the Deity’s third eye, from its Anahata (heart chakra) to yours. The circular motion happens between you and the Deity. This is individualistic. Nobody can give this to you. You do not need a poojari (priest or one who performs rituals in the temples) between the deity and you! Why do you need anyone? It is individualistic – you, your soul and your connection. I can only give the message. The walking of path is for you to do.  I want you to chew on this for the next 3 weeks. This is very important. Otherwise what happens? I am coming for the meditation. Good enough, very nice, but what about evolution? Evolution is a big question mark. Evolution is important. Whether one sits here or not, many people are still connecting with us. No location matters. Location has no value; attitude has a value.

We are the kind of people who do not forgive ourselves, who forget to forgive others too! We judge ourselves and create more and more walls every day. Finally, we are unable to get out. There are some variety of spiders, which build webs but get themselves caught up in those very webs and die!  

I do not know if I have conveyed the message clearly, but I would like to tell you that this is a very serious message and I want you to take it seriously.

I do not want to scare you, I want to make you aware.

Life is very short. We think we are here forever. Sorry, we are only here for a few months. The entire story lasts more or less 80 years perhaps?. Out of that, for some parts of your life you are unable to do anything, like your childhood years and then after the age of 55-60 years. One is helpless in these times. Body does not support you. Out of 80 years of life, more than 40% is spent in a helpless state. Body deteriorates. You often need to go to the garage to repair it. The only constant thing is ego. Ego remains strong and that keeps us going. Mind, body and emotions all are changing, the only constant thing is ego. Nothing else is constant. This is a reality of existence. Please understand, this is not to scare you but to make you more aware. No need to be scared of anything. What is there to scared about? We should, however, be aware.

So, in another plane, spaces have been created to accommodate the denser souls while Masters clean up the earth. But on this plane, darkness is trying to catch us as much as possible. The water is kept murky with human confusions. Catch as many fish as possible, because the fish cannot see through murky water. This is what is happening. Why is the water murky? Because it is a transition. There is always some kind of uncertainty during transition. One can get sucked in fast while in uncertainty. Without your knowledge, you are pulled into a different net. And who allows that; your mind. If you are on the path of white (path of Dharma), hold on to the feet of the tradition. Do not leave the feet of the great Masters. This is a 100% ensured way.

In the path of Avadhoota, there is no give and take. There are no conditions or conditionings or even concepts. It is a straight deal.

If mind is continuously blocking, just remember that more lives have to be expected to clear the backlog; maybe in another plane, with all sorts of things like greed, jealousy, anger, one-up-man-ship and fights.

I hope I am not scaring you. If you do not understand this message, travelling further will be difficult. My intention is that you should understand this aspect. It is not to scare anybody. I want you to digest this message well. You need this message to move ahead. Forget about Gurus; NOW, talk about yourself. Think about your mind, how it functions. How caught up are you? How liberated are you? Instead of asking the question – Why should I do it? Ask the question – How Can I do it? What else can I do? Your first question should be, just like in customer service,  – Can I help you? Beat Inertia. Your next question should be, Can I help you further? What else can I do??    

Love You Through Time…