Is the world an illusion?

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Welcome to Mohanji Speaks.

Hello, my dear friends, hope you’re doing well.

We have spoken about alternative realities in the past. Today, let’s touch upon the subject of illusions. We have heard time and again that the world is an illusion. How can the world be an illusion? It’s so tangible; it’s so real. It creates emotions, so it can’t be illusions. But the truth is, we see the world as we are. If we are in a very romantic mood, we see the whole world as being romantic. When we are pessimistic, we see the world as being pessimistic. When we are happy, we see the world also as happy. When we have sorrows, we see the world as being full of sorrows.

So, what is the real world? We really do not know. The world is as it is, and it reflects our state, how we are, how we think, or how we feel. The world just reflects it. Various masters and people have told about some of the realities which are not so tangible, like Kailash, like the Siddha Loka inside Arunachala (Tiruvannamalai, TamilNadu, India); all those worlds which we can possibly see in certain states or frequencies. They reflect as we are too. 

Lahiri Mahasaya was initiated by Babaji in a beautiful palace, with gold and diamonds and all sorts of riches. But the morning after the initiation, there wasn’t anything. This was an illusion, but it was real and tangible at that time. Likewise, when we have divine romance brimming inside us, when we see the world of Shiva-the Kailash, it’s beautiful, deeply enchanting and highly intoxicating!

At the same time, when we are in a mood of despair or when we are not so happy, or even if we are a bit terrestrially influenced, we see Kailash as murky, grey, and snow. So, this is exactly how our views are. We see Kailash as murky, grey, like ashes, just a snow-clad mountain; we may not even see inside that mountain. The world – the Shiva Loka inside, cannot be easily accessed; it’s not easy to access. You should reach a level of elevation, a frequency so that you can access it. But that’s squarely up to the blessings and grace of the Lord of Kailash, or (you would have to reach) the frequency that would suit us to enter that space. It’s all about frequencies. 

Everywhere, wherever you are, wherever you go, it’s about frequency; whether you’re able to access Siddha Loka or Naga Loka, or Shiva Loka; Loka means the world. The world of all these frequencies; it’s that, we have to gain that level, or we have to attain that level of frequency. Otherwise, we can only see, not understand. We may not even be able to see if our frequency is much denser. We would only see the immediate, the gross. 

We have to gain a lot of subtlety through chanting, through purifications, through practices, to reach the levels of subtlety where we can actually witness. When we go to Vrindavan, for us to see Lord Krishna playing his Rasa Leelawe must have subtlety; we must see the world through subtle eyes. It’s possible; it’s not an illusion. 

Then what is an illusion there? The illusion is that we see the world only as we are. This is the main illusion. That means we do not see reality. So, when do we get to see the reality? When we completely merge with the Supreme Consciousness, unchangeable, pure brightness. 

Once you merge with that brightness, brighter than a million suns there is no illusion anymore – you are brightness. You are one with brightness, just like a drop falling into the ocean and becoming the ocean, you completely dissolve back into your original state. That means pure consciousness; that pure consciousness already sits in you as your Atma tattva, the principle called the soul. Atma tattva is our walking reality, no illusion, it is reality. It is not relative. It’s real. If we are able to find the Atma tattva within, then we are able to access a world without illusions. No parallel realities, no illusions, no imaginations or hallucinations, it is reality, all the time. In that mode, your operating platform will be that of unconditional love, peace within, no thoughts, happiness. 

Think about this. I wish you a great day ahead, and I wish you great success in life.

Listen to an excerpt of the podcast here

Transcribed by Ulla Bernholdt

Proofread by Vidya Rajagopalan

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Naga Loka, the World of Snakes

Maha Vishnu lies on snake

There are various worlds, various constitutions, configurations, and various species in this universe. The man-made machines can only show us certain aspects of the Milky Way, our planetary system. Our machines display only the highly gross, visible aspects and materials that our senses can perceive and mind can appreciate. There are subtler planes of various degrees in the universe. One such world is what we call the Naga Loka, literally translated as the World of Snakes. We talk about this world because it has a connection with humankind on earth. There are some beings from this world that came to earth and assisted/guided mankind with superior wisdom, while mankind was meditating to find the ultimate truth and while they were still evolving into a substantial civilization. That is also why you can see Lord Shiva with a snake around his neck, and also Lord Maha Vishnu lying on a snake. There are other dimensions though, to this symbolism of both Shiva and Vishnu.

All beings on earth are instinct bound, and mainly survival instinct bound. And they all have knowledge associated with their instincts. Human beings have higher capacities – the ability to convert knowledge into wisdom to the level of understanding as well as to experience the supreme consciousness, the source factor. This is where beings of higher awareness from different worlds, away from our world, earth, come to assist. The wise beings of Naga Loka have also been assisting mankind in the department of higher awareness.

The multiple aspects of original creation were explained to mankind by those beings. This is reflected in our scriptures, as well as the words of wisdom by the great sages. Subtleties of existence or the  not-so-obvious were also explained to mankind by the benevolent snake guides.

These beings who visit the earth use the form of snakes so that they will be left alone, undisturbed, even though they are so advanced that they can take any form they like, at will. Forms are combinations of elements in a particular order. Those who live in energy form or are well-versed in energy mechanics of higher nature, can easily conglomerate elements into any form they want. We have seen various high masters like Sai Baba coming to meet his devotees in different forms.

It is not because they are snakes that they seem so. On earth and to human eyes, they merely assume the form of snakes. They may not appear as snakes to many other species on our own planet. Our naked eyes, through our created machines, cannot see their world which is also inside the Milky Way. It is only when you meditate and attain a level of subtlety that you can see such worlds. And they have the power to mask their world from aliens. They also have highly advanced beings. A species or being of another world can see their world only if they attain the same level of subtlety as that of the “snakes” or if the “snakes” bestow them that power. Thus, they are well protected in their own world from outside invasion. Even the name of Naga Loka or the world of snakes that we call their world, is only in relation to human perception. Since we see them as snakes, we call their world the world of snakes. They are in fact luminescent beings who can attain any form at will. Humans are afraid of snakes. So, they assume that form so that they are left alone.

Our Bhagawan Nityananda of Ganeshpuri was from the Naga Loka

Many snake lords have lived here in human form. They have displayed superhuman capacities. Bhagawan Nithyananda of Ganeshpuri was one such, believed to be from Naga Loka, and not of this earth. He was first found on a village pathway as an infant, protected by a snake. Nobody knows who his actual parents where or where he came from. Nobody can say for certain the origin of such great masters. We can only make assumptions based on our perceptions and awareness.

Bhagawan Nithyananda used to spontaneously perform miracles while he walked the earth. One instance was when he stood at a bus stop, waiting for a bus, but the bus didn’t stop for him. When the bus reached the next stop,  he was discovered standing there as well. And when the bus reached the third stop, he was there too. The driver of the bus was terribly perturbed at seeing Nithyananda everywhere. After that, he stopped the bus at the next stop and invited him to board it.

He was just proving a point – waking up people to the existence of a certain dimension, that they could also achieve if they shed the bondage of the mind to reach higher realms in subtlety. Not that he wanted to impress people through such acts of miracles. But how do you make people understand a message if it’s not delivered with a surprise!

I like to offer food every time I consume, to our dear respected guides from Naga Loka as well, because they have helped mankind a lot. Not many respect them and most are unaware or totally ignorant of their contributions to our original civilization. They are the ones who actually interpreted the dimensions of Parabrahma or the Supreme Father and brought the knowledge of the Supreme to the understanding levels of humankind. It is believed that the elevated guides from Naga Loka came here and taught us about the various aspects of creation, existence, and dissolution. And, they actually told us about Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva respectively as embodiments of these aspects of the Supreme Lord. They explained to us how the creations happened, and how dissolution happens, and about the various types of gods and deities who materialized in the process of creation. They explained everything from the human angle for our understanding, even though there are multiple angles to every creation, in the same way that human beings have diversity. More or less everything was taught by them, but only few people show regard or honor them or respect them. As always, we take everything for granted and complain when inspiration is lost. It is they who have subtly transferred much data to the human brain, which we have mistakenly taken to be because of our merit. And it was not the snake lords alone – we have been guided by many species from outside the earth. Some are still living and guiding us. Since our capacities are very limited to keep the channel of communication clean or to understand where it is coming from, our egos, prejudices, and non-understanding lead us to boast of our own originality and stature and attribute those original thoughts to ourselves, quite egoistically as our own inventions. We did develop awareness based on original thoughts provided by our guides or gurus. But when we own them, we degenerate. When we do not have reverence and respect, we fall. Even Lord Krishna who is considered as an Avatar, says at various points:  “thus spoke the masters of the past”,  refusing to take ownership over original thoughts, originally delivered by various mouths. He is a great master and he leads by example.

I have spoken about this a few times, but I don’t think anybody has written in-depth about Naga Loka. Even if someone has, I have not been fortunate enough to read about it. There are many books on interactions between aliens and beings of earth and I discard most of them as flights of fancy and sheer imagination of the terrestrial level.

I have mentioned many times and so have many great Himalayan Masters, that we have made grave blunders in our treatment of the guides from Naga Loka as well as other such elevated Lokas. We killed them. We assassinated them because man’s greed and possessiveness along with ownership over every original thoughts for the sake of supremacy overtook him, and his ego that pretended originality in thoughts, perhaps  prompted him to eliminate his guides. His greed for possession of land and earthly wealth degenerated him. It was human greed that wreaked insensitivity and also pulled a whole series of generations down into ignorance. We had been progressing quite well in higher awareness and maintaining our awareness levels to 360 degrees under also, (but not always) the guidance of our alien teachers. When greed for false supremacy took over, we began quarrelling amongst ourselves and greed gave swords to our intolerance. Our awareness decayed. We fell in consciousness. Even though we started off as fully conscious beings, we fell into the state of caged animals.

This started many centuries ago.

With our telescope you can only see gross planets

There are so many dimensions and so many subtleties even with our current operating level that man is unable to fathom, and even our three states such as waking, dream and deep sleep and the inherent individual patterns and inclinations. We can’t fully explain any of it in detail. We have to experience it, meditate on it and understand it.  In order to experience it, we need to attain a level of subtlety. And in order to attain the subtlety, we need to go within and understand, accept and assimilate ourselves. The questions that people usually ask me are at a lower level compared to what these dimensions are about. So, only a level of subtlety makes you eligible to see the higher dimensions of existence. With telescopes one can only see gross planets, and even with them, one cannot see many other things of our universe.

We have had many intergalactic masters who assumed human form just to guide us.  The “Nath” tradition is closely linked to the higher order of guides from outside Earth.

The non-white path is about manipulation, binding and fear

Please understand that we live in the world of dualities. Where ever there is white, there will be black too. In other words, whatever is not pure white, is darker. So, many of the seeming gurus in human form are not from the pure white side, even though they are using the white symbols of purity. (pure white means totally detached from earthly lures and completely existing as representation of ultimate liberation from the cycle of karma) You need to have keen eyes to recognize and steer clear of them. The fundamental difference is that pure white is the path of liberation and there is no other agenda. Unconditional love is their operating platform. They have neither requirements nor expectations and being fluid or spontaneous is their regular lifestyle. They are extremely flexible and adaptable and cannot be put into rigid frames of human imagination. It is simple and straight. While on the contrary, the non-white path is about manipulation, binding, and fear. White is unconditional love and that is why even ingratitude from mankind did not invoke wrath and total destruction of the species. Non-white agenda is to manipulate minds, maintain delusion, and make them follow or destroy them totally. Fears, doubts, binding are all part of the non-white path. According to me, more than eighty percent of the seeming spiritual, political, commercial guides of our time are not from the white path. Those who manipulate, conquer, capture and do not allow free will cannot be from the white path.

We have had many powerful masters from the white order. Shirdi Sai Baba was one of them. Once, he observed three days of perfect Samadhi state, where he suspended his body and left for a higher errand. For three days his body was stagnant, as if dead. He had given instructions:  “Don’t touch my body, I’m going. I shall be back”. Some say that he had actually gone to visit Naga Loka. Their explanation is that He was invited to Naga Loka to mediate a difference in understanding between some beings there. He apparently went to sort out certain things in that manner and came back after three  days. We cannot confirm these facts as ultimate truths because Baba Himself never said anything about it.

Naga Loka is indeed a physical world according to me, with physical beings perhaps not made out of elements like us. They are very luminescent. Some consider them as angels because of their benevolent nature. It is close to earth. It’s a world in the Milky Way. But, it’s very subtle, you cannot see it. To human eyes, they are in the form of snakes because humans are afraid of snakes and it helps their security.

They use many methods to travel

They use many methods to travel and also use certain kind of UFOs to come here. They have various ways of doing it. Like for example, the atmospheric friction leads to heat and slow speed, so, they make themselves light and element-less. See for example, if your body becomes kind of very loose or kind of molecular, air can go through it. Even though you have made the unit structure integrated, the air is going through the body as you are there, but you are transparent, there’s no friction. They have the capacity to perform things like that.

They do come to visit us. They still come.

The Shree Naga Raja Gayathri (Divine Serpent) was used by people of the past for protection from poisons that affects the body such as skin ailments, allergies and also curses like lack of spouse, family and children.

Aum Sarpa Raajaaya Vidmahe

Padma Hasthaaya Dheemahi

Thanno Vasuki Prachodayaat

Recently in Delhi, a man asked me, “I would like to see a real god, a deity from Naga Loka”.  I spontaneously replied, “You will see”. And it so happened that when he traveled to the Himalayas, on one day he saw a snake of pure golden color moving near him. As he was looking at it, he suddenly recalled what I had said, and thought, “Ah, Mohanji has blessed me, so this must be it”. And suddenly the snake vanished. He searched around for it,  but there was nothing. This is how they appear, bless and disappear.

As mentioned earlier, they are in the form of snakes but they are not our terrestrial snakes. They like to keep this shape for reasons of flexibility, security and fluidity. They represent fluidity and spontaneity of our linear existence. They assumed the form of snakes because of two reasons – one is that then nobody will bother them, and second is, they have a body which is flexible and fluid.

We must wake up. We must see. We must “LIVE”
We must wake up. We must see. We must “LIVE”

There are different beings – some of them have chosen to go beyond time like our Babaji, innumerable years old. He chose to keep the body. We also have Hanumanji amongst us, 15.000+ years old at the least, and still available. Such supreme beings decided to keep the body to remind us of our actual potential, and these are celestial reminders for our existence. We must wake up. We must see. We must “LIVE”.

Love You


Japa Yoga



My dearest embodiments of pure love,

When the inner and outer worlds are challenged by various factors of our existence, meditation is difficult. One can still meditate if he or she is well established and well settled within the world inside (inner world) and dependency on the external world is minimal. When an individual uses his senses purposefully, and if his mind is not affected by the most enchanting of sense objects the world can offer, he could always bring his senses under control and detach from them at will. We are living in a world of fancy. There are many glitters around us to hook ourselves with, sometimes consciously and mostly unconsciously.

We are living in a world of fancy. There are many glitters around us, to hook ourselves, sometimes consciously and mostly unconsciously.
We are living in a world of fancy. There are many glitters around us, to hook ourselves with, sometimes consciously and mostly unconsciously.

Inertia is easy to sell. Television and internet sell it well. Most of the objects that we experience with using the eyes, sell inertia. At the same time everything in moderation, has value. They are part of our life. We cannot ignore them all and be part of society as well, because human existence is oriented in relationships which are the tangible extensions of relativity, the basic substratum of creation. This is also because there is an underlying flavor of emotions spicing up our relationships.
Do remember, anything in excess is BAD.

When inertia is at its peak, one cannot even handle the slightest of turbulences in life. They blame other people for their situation, which they themselves consciously or unconsciously created. They resort to excessive food, alcohol, sex or drugs to maintain their comfort levels.
When inertia is at its peak, one cannot even handle the slightest of turbulences in life. They blame other people for their situation, which they themselves consciously or unconsciously created. They resort to excessive food, alcohol, sex or drugs to maintain their comfort levels.

The sale of tamas is rampant. Tamas means inertia. When we become couch potatoes, it is a clear sign that we have swallowed a lot of tamas, and that we have already bought ourselves into it. When inertia is at its peak, people cannot even handle the slightest of turbulences in life. They blame other people for their situation, which they themselves have consciously or unconsciously created. They resort to excessive food, alcohol, sex or drugs to maintain their comfort levels. They watch sob stories such as soap operas and enjoy the sadistic pleasure of watching others suffering with an inner glee that they are relatively better off than those characters in the films! But they do not understand the most important point:  that they are accumulating similar karma in their own life through gathering and storing such emotions.

Whatever data is entered into our system or whatever is consumed through thoughts, words or action, or whatever food we consumed through our body, mind and intellect, becomes the ingredient and basis for our further existence, this and the next.
Whatever data is entered into our system or whatever is consumed through thoughts, words or action, or whatever food we consumed through our body, mind and intellect, becomes the ingredient and basis for our further existence, this one and the next.

Data of suffering is unconsciously entered into their systems. Since they are emotionally participating in those stories, they are living it or experiencing it. Those impressions are stored in their minds. These will become realities or ingredients of their next incarnation. Some people don’t have a clue about the causes of their suffering. They do not know why they are suffering in life despite many good deeds they might have accomplished in this existence. It is simple. Whatever data is entered into our system or whatever is consumed through thoughts, words or action, or whatever food we consumed through our body, mind and intellect, becomes the ingredient and basis for our further existence, this one and the next.

Remember, inertia sells well because its buyers are many. Food for the senses always sells well. If a new book is released with a title, “Tantric Sex for you”, or “100 new ways of making love”, it will sell well, and such authors who do this for money will be respected well by the society, while people will avoid true satsang or company of an enlightened master because they think, “Ah, the same boring lecture about the SOUL which nobody has seen”, or, “This man brings forth my worst hidden fears into light”. People will choose to keep their fears rather than let them go, pretending they do not exist.

People rather say, "This man brings forth my worst hidden fears into light". People will choose to rather keep their fears and not let them go and pretend that they do not exist.
People rather say, “This man brings forth my worst hidden fears into light”. People will choose to keep their fears rather than let them go, pretending they do not exist.

Society consists of people and when it is mostly tamasic people, they either convert the not-so-tamasic to their group or they destroy them. That means the tamasic community makes people in their own image or it destroys them. Digging a little bit into history, we can see that we have consistently destroyed – either killed or silenced all those who spoke eternal truths. If we were not able to do that, we ran away from them and their teachings. Human Existence!

We can see heavily tamasic and greedy people sitting in places of power, which is actually a big tragedy. They dish out ‘believable’ excuses for not performing any positive action. They have impossibility pasted on their forehead loud and clear. Then again, they have come out of the same society that we belong to. The society created them. People will only get rulers that they deserve. Hence it is important to shed the tamas at the grass root level in order to create a better world. Positive transformation should happen in every heart in society.

We can see heavily tamasic and greedy people sitting in places of power, which is actually a big tragedy. They dish out “believable” excuses for not performing any positive action.
We can see heavily tamasic and greedy people sitting in places of power, which is actually a big tragedy. They dish out “believable” excuses for not performing any positive action.

When the times create restlessness, it tests the talent of even the most consistent spiritual seeker. This is natural. Meditation and practices (sadhana) will become difficult. On one side the looming cloud of tamas which constantly push one to ‘sleep a little while longer’, and on the other side, the lack of environmental support. The mind really sways. Many give up. Many will become disillusioned. Many change their Gurus, imagining that it is because of their Guru that they are suffering!!!

When the time creates restlessness, it tests the talent of even the most consistent spiritual seeker... The best recommended practice during such time is Japa Yoga
When the times create restlessness, it tests the talent of even the most consistent spiritual seeker… The best recommended practice during such time is Japa Yoga

The best recommended practice during such time is Japa Yoga, or the Yoga of Chants (chanting of the Lord’s name).

Lord Krishna and almost all the great masters who walked on earth have acknowledged the importance of Japa yoga. “Among the various types of yajna (a ritual or sacrifice into fire, with chants or mantras and materials),  I am the yajna of Japa”, said the Avatar Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita. The Gita also emphasizes the importance of chanting ‘which destroys all afflictions, sins and sufferings’.

Patanjali instructs that Japa be done for prolonged period without interruption so that we become one with the chant and this should be done with deep reverence and respect. Japa is the very form of God. Perfection can be attained by chanting the Divine name. In this context, I remember the story of the great Valmiki – the transformation of the hunter Ratnakara to Sage Valmiki! He attained the highest possible state of spiritual elevation and total transformation (metamorphosis) by just chanting the name of the Lord Rama and thus becoming one with the name.

Constitutional change can happen when we become one with the name of the Lord. God is the subtlest of the subtlest. In that context, even the name is gross. But, the name itself can be considered as the form of God, where the sound is the form. The sound ‘OM’ can be considered the form of God because God is formless or all forms.

The name itself can be considered as the form of God, where the sound is the form. The sound "OM” can be considered the form of God because God is formless or all forms.
The name itself can be considered as the form of God, where the sound is the form. The sound ‘OM’ can be considered the form of God because God is formless or all forms.

Jagadguru Adi Shankaracharya says, “Control the self, restrain the breath, sift out the transient from the true. Repeat the holy name of the Lord and still the restless mind within. To this universal rule, apply your heart and soul.”

Zarathushtra says that Japa (name of the divine) cures all ills.

Guru Nanak said that the Holy Communion with the Naam is the only means to have oneness with the Lord Supreme.

The great saint Kabir Das says, “Without sincerity, thought or chant of the Lord’s name is not possible. If one ‘imbibes’ (be one with) just one particle of Naam – no, even half a particle, all one’s sins will be reduced to ashes”. This is profound indeed.

Chant from deep within. Be one with the chant. Keep your spine erect, and chant in your spine, if you could. Chanting just from the throat out is of no use. That will just be an addition to the already existing sound pollution. 🙂 Going within while chanting is important and being one with the name you chant is also equally important.

Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti said, “If you rub the mirror of your heart with the name of God, you will see God’s effulgence reflected on it”. Beautiful!!

Bhagawan Ramana Maharshi said, “Mantra is a channel of shifting current of thoughts. Mantra is a bund or dam put up to divert the water where it is needed. Japa is clinging to one thought to the exclusion of all other thoughts, that is the purpose of Japa. It leads to dhyana which ends in Self-Realization.”

Bhagawan Ramana Maharshi said “Mantra is a channel of shifting current of thoughts. Mantra is a bund or dam put up to divert the water where it is needed. Japa is clinging to one thought to the exclusion of all other thoughts, that is the purpose of Japa. It leads to dhyana which ends in Self-Realization.”
Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi said, “Mantra is a channel of shifting current of thoughts. Mantra is a bund or dam put up to divert the water where it is needed. Japa is clinging to one thought to the exclusion of all other thoughts, that is the purpose of Japa. It leads to dhyana which ends in Self-Realization.”

Bhagawan Nithyananda of Ganesh Puri says “Japa is a means. Very easy as well as highly efficacious. Through japa sadhana, the vibration thus created, the body gets cleansed and by that the mind also becomes pure and Divine. Continuous Japa will result in nada-upasana and such a state will help to reach the state of Self-Realization”.
Bhagavan Nithyananda of Ganesh Puri says ,“Japa is a means. Very easy as well as highly efficacious. Through japa sadhana and the vibration thus created, the body gets cleansed and by that the mind also becomes pure and Divine. Continuous Japa will result in nada-upasana and such a state will help to reach the state of Self-Realization”.

Bhagavan Nithyananda of Ganesh Puri says, “Japa is a means. Very easy as well as highly efficacious. Through japa sadhana and the vibration thus created, the body gets cleansed and by that the mind also becomes pure and Divine. Continuous Japa will result in nada-upasana and such a state will help to reach the state of Self-Realization”. Here, Bhagawan talks about the cellular level purification due to the vibration created by chanting. Since body and mind are integrally connected, cleansing happening in the body also cleanses the mind. Sincere Japa with a steady mind on the sound and the Lord, will ensure an all-round cleansing. This is the most effective practice possible in turbulent times.

Saint Teresa of Avila found completeness "when each breath began to silently say the name of Lord".
Saint Teresa of Avila found completeness “when each breath began to silently say the name of Lord”.

Eknath said 'Remembrance is liberation. Forgetfulness is regression. Utterance of the name is essential devotion".
Eknath said, ‘Remembrance is liberation. Forgetfulness is regression. Utterance of the name is essential devotion”.

Saint Teresa of Avila found completeness “when each breath began to silently say the name of Lord”. Eknath said, ‘Remembrance is liberation. Forgetfulness is regression. Utterance of the name is essential devotion”.

Shirdi Sai Baba said "God's name is eternal, Allah Malik!" Baba also implies that God has no name. He is beyond name and forms.
Shirdi Sai Baba said, “God’s name is eternal, Allah Malik!” Baba also implies that God has no name. He is beyond name and forms.

Shirdi Sai Baba said, “God’s name is eternal, Allah Malik!” Baba also implies that God has no name. He is beyond name and form. But for us, a name or form will be helpful to transcend to the formless. So we should catch the rope of the name and climb to the highest possibility of our existence, while we can.

One more thought and I am off… Tukaram said, “The Lord’s name is eternal. Do japa of Ramakrishna Hari and He will always save you. THIS IS MY LAST REQUEST AND ADVICE!” Thus concludes Saint Tukaram.

Even when we can meditate, chanting can lead to deeper meditation. The name of Lord, the sound, the breath, the vibration, everything helps silence of the mind.
Even when we can meditate, chanting can lead to deeper meditation. The name of the Lord, the sound, the breath, the vibration, everything helps silence of the mind.

The scriptures have given a few road signs or guidelines for chanting, especially on its results. Some of them are as follows:

1. This is the era or Yuga (Kali Yuga) where people can achieve the same results that one might achieve through penance, rigorous practices or rituals through the chanting of the Lord’s name.
2. In this era, while mantra recitation needs a certain systematic approach, the chanting of the Lord’s name can be done by anybody at any time, without any restrictions. Hence the best practice to follow in this era is chanting of the Lord’s name.
3. The only requirement that any devotee need is absolute bhakti or devotion or faith on the deity of worship.
4. Lord’s name has the power of fire which burns hard karmas.
5. Those who consistently and with absolute surrender and dedication, chant God’s name will become as powerful as a yogi who has done years of penance. He will be as purified as one who has done penance on fire.
6. One who chants more than 30 million times the name of God, will even change his hard destiny. The lines of his hand will change for good. Diseases and afflictions will leave him.
7. Those who chant more than 40 million times the name of God will never suffer poverty and will be rich inside and outside.
8. Those who chant more than 50 million times the name of God, will have the awareness equal to that of great masters. Their stature will grow beyond limits. The more one chants, the nearer one approaches inner purity. Nothing that belongs to earth will ever affect them again.

I shall leave you now to contemplate on these thoughts. When we cannot meditate, chanting helps. Even when we can meditate, chanting can lead to deeper meditation. The name of the Lord, the sound, the breath, the vibration, everything helps to reach silence of the mind. Chant the name, contemplate on the name of your chosen God or Guru and merge with that constitution, which would be the state of oneness. I wish you that.

Finally, let us sincerely chant ‘Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu’. May all the beings of the world and the whole world itself, be happy and peaceful. All are one. One consciousness – or various expressions of One Consciousness.
I love you

May the whole beings of the world and the world itself be Happy and Peaceful. All are one. One consciousness.
May all the beings of the world and the whole world itself be happy and peaceful. All are one. One consciousness.

In the name of the Lord?

Dear all,

While I was sitting with Mohanji today afternoon, I saw him checking posts on Facebook. Suddenly he came across a picture of a young boy sitting next to his mother, waiting for her to wake up. However, his mother was not sleeping. They were outside, in Gaza war. He didn’t understand his mother was dead. She won’t wake up ever again. Mohanji’s subtlety couldn’t ignore the suffering. He immediately surged into action. He started typing, and after five minutes his consciousness delivered this message.



Awareness is the key. An eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind. These are not my words. This is a famous truth. There is no way we can buy justice through wars. One man’s gain is always another man’s loss. When will we understand that?

How many children became orphans in the last 7 days! How many children died! How many people lost everything? Who will answer? In the name of what is this? Land? Power? Politics? Supremacy? When will man understand? Gaza is burning. The world’s conscience is burning even if we try our best to ignore it.

Whether it be Gaza or any other country where beings are bound or murdered, conscience must get burnt.

Awareness is the key. An eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind. These are not my words. This is a famous truth. There is no way we can buy justice through wars. One man’s gain is always another man’s loss. When will we understand that?

Our soul cannot be owned by any body. Likewise, earth cannot be owned by any being. It can only be used for a certain period of time. What is expected during this time, is peaceful co-existence.

Earth cannot be owned by any being. It can only be used for a certain period of time. What is expected during this time, is peaceful co-existence.

Earth cannot be owned by any. Earth is just a platform. Temporary possessions gives illusion of ownership. Transactions in paper makes us feel proud and money’s worth. But, when we die, we leave the paper and the property behind. Who owns earth?

Who will answer for the deaths and destructions that takes place in the name of land, religion and politics? All people are the same. All countries are the same. None higher or lower. None have the right to oppress or suppress another. Life must continue. When we walk on the blood paved paths of existence, our feet must hurt. Tons of accumulated atrocities and murders have weakened the natural vibration of earth and make it lesser and lesser habitable.

When emotions are ruling, wars are inevitable. Expect the backlash. Hit on conscience causes guilt. Guilt travels through time and lives. When collective guilt takes over, destruction takes place. We may fall lucky to shed the body earlier than the backlash to express itself fully. But, we may either come back or our own generations to come will curse the generations past for taking the soul out of earth, for killing the “life” of earth. None can escape the fruits of his action. This is an eternal truth. To keep a blind eye towards a crime is equal to committing it.

When emotions are ruling, wars are inevitable.

We are too selfish. We only like to sit back in the virtual world and watch the pictures of dead women and children on the facebook and hit “like” in support of the cause, irrespective of whether it is towards or against. We live in the artificial world of make believe and cheat ourselves in believing that everything is good outside there and inside within our own household. The children brought up completely in the virtual world are total misfits in the world outside. Everything happens for them in the virtual world and they cannot care less for other people’s suffering. We never consider even once that inertia has indeed left us totally bound and helpless. The only part of the body that actually moves are the fingers which click “like” on Facebook.

Now, I know that even these words here are useless, I know, because it is not possible for individual consciousness to fight against the gross and ugly collective consciousness hell bound for destruction and death. Useless because the comfort zone oriented man will just discard positive words as tall order and discard any potential for collective action. I know very well that even if a 1000 of us join hands against human atrocities, we will all be crushed mercilessly. The only permanent solution is increased awareness and different system of education.

Motherhood should happen in a more profound way. No mother will order the killing of any children. It has always been man. Love should prevail through motherliness.

Motherhood should happen in a more profound way. No mother will order the killing of any children. It has always been man. Love should prevail through motherliness.

Now, this mail is meant as food for thought. I am with the suffering and helpless. I love those who even help heal a small wound of the body or mind.

I am always hoping for Peace to prevail. Again, collective consciousness is too strong to grow any seeds of sensitiveness. Yet, let us not give up hope. Let us grow seeds in our own garden and distribute selflessly to other’s garden, too.

I love you unconditionally
